Think back ten or twenty years. What were parent’s biggest fears for their kids? Growing up well over 20 years ago, I remember my mom was afraid of drugs. Maybe kidnapping or taking candy from strangers, but mostly my parents didn’t have to worry about all of the things—mostly technology related—that parents and families have to think about today.
While the internet is hard to imagine living without in 2019, it has the potential to be harmful if we’re not careful. Today, as summer starts to hit schools across the country, I want to walk through some tips to keep your kids safe online (while they have more time potentially on their phones and computers).
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Let’s face it. We all make mistakes.
Even clicking on a malicious link in a phishing email can happen to the best of us. Sometimes it’s because we’re in a huge hurry and overlook double checking everything before making a click, or sometimes the phishers are exceptionally clever with their scam.
Whatever the reason for your user clicking on that link or email attachment or replying with sensitive information they should have thought another second before sending, we all make mistakes. Today I want to walk through some steps to take after clicking on that phishing scam.
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What is one of the greatest and most common threats to your users?
What attack has infected networks, stolen millions of dollars, snatched password credentials and created the most chaos in modern history on business large and small?
Phishing attacks are by no means a new issue. But as modern technology and innovation has grown, so too have innovative ways criminals exploiting those innovations. As our societies and our businesses have gotten more connected, what have criminals done?
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When we first started bringing attention to phishing scams years back, they were pretty easy to spot. Criminals didn’t really think about how to actually sell their scam to their victims. Their emails were chock full of typos and their grammar was so bad that even your grandma could have read through the email and known that something was up!
Fast forward to today, criminals are using sophisticated tools to spoof messages and websites that actually look like the real deal. These phishing emails might even include official company logos that completely make them seem legitimate.
This is just one thing to watch out for. Criminals have also learned that subject lines with urgent messages get people’s attention. But there are a TON of things to be thinking about and looking for in phishing scams to make sure your users stay protected.
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Cybercrime is actually an extremely broad concept, consisting of a variety of different related offenses. One way to classify cybercrime is by looking at the role that a computer (or a network or device) can play within a criminal act. Mainly, that target of a criminal and a tool or weapon used to commit the crime.
Since illegal activity often involves computers both as targets and weapons, the distinction is flawed, but it makes it possible to provide a relative structured overview of the types of cybercrime.
This type of cybercrime comprises illegal activities that target computers, networks and/or devices. The term hacking is often used here to refer to crimes of this nature. Criminals often use computers for a variety of intents:
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Think of one thing at work that you wish you didn’t have to do today.
Is it something that requires a lot of concentration, but when you’re done you feel like it was a waste of time? Do you feel like a machine could probably do the work a heck of a lot easier than you having to invest an hour or several hours?
If we could get that task or set of tasks automated would that make life easier?
These are things criminals have been thinking about over the last few years and have actually been addressing.
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