Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Posts Tagged ‘scam’

Dynamic Edge CEO Interviewed for WSMV Nashville News Channel 4 Report on Cryptocurrency Scammers

Cryptocurrency is seemingly the preferred payment method for a range of scams. WSMV News channel 4 in Nashville reached out to Cyber Expert and CEO of Dynamic Edge, Tim Neiman, to discuss the potential methodology behind an uptick of Bank Account hackers using the Cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase.
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Online scams have been around for decades. Most of us are aware of threats posed by phony websites and suspicious emails; these tactics are well-documented and extremely popular. But as our technological landscape has changed, hackers have found new ways of collecting our personal information. Even scarier, the current global pandemic has given malicious users an easy way to catch our attention, and the widespread stay-at-home order means that they have a captive audience. All of these factors combined make this a dangerous time for cybercrime.
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Are Your Kids Getting Phished?

When was the last time your kids received phishing training? Are you teaching them about good cyber hygiene?

Cybersecurity experts are warning this year that your students—mainly ones that are forging their own digital footprints—are growing targets of cybercrime this year.

As we alluded to a few weeks ago, cybersecurity is not simply something you can think about exclusively in the workplace. Today, if you are not taking basic precautions at home as well, you are likely leaving yourself, your family and your workplace vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Today, I want to focus on a specific cyberattack that we’ve been seeing repeatedly pop up in colleges and schools around the country. It’s an attack that might seem obvious to those of us with many years of getting phishing emails (although we have found that if you aren’t continuously getting training and don’t have technology in place to prevent occasional mistakes, your previous experiences will only help you so much).
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