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Posts Tagged ‘antivirus’

Why Next-Generation Antivirus is Essential

The term “antivirus” probably represents the first time most non-tech folks became acquainted with the concept of cybersecurity. Thirty years ago, Peter Norton in his black rimmed glasses graced the yellow boxes of Norton Antivirus for home use. Cybersecurity quickly evolves and, like so many applications, antivirus quickly evolves with it. Enter Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV). This article defines NGAV, how it differs from traditional antivirus solutions, and why antivirus remains a pivotal component of your cybersecurity strategy.
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Is Your Computer Infected?

I’m sure you remember the last time you were sick. Maybe your head was pounding, your nose completely stopped up, as you recall, you might have had the worst cough in history. Fortunately, we are pretty good at battling infections—even if we have to sleep practically non-stop for a couple of days.

More than likely, our bodies will fight off whatever wasn’t welcome and we’re confident we’d get back to the daily grind pretty soon.

While your body is healing itself, the symptoms of that illness might be indicative of a variety of health issues.
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