Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

What is SEO???

After a good amount of face time with Bruce – asking as many questions as I could think of (in a way that didn’t say “I have no idea what Search Engine Optimization is…”) and a big handful of google searches, I felt pretty confident that I would actually be of some use at the Workshop we put on with Comerica Bank this morning.

This is what you get for assuming you have a good handle on things:

Hours of meticulous preparation had paid off, our handouts were streamlined and beautiful in their super-fly translucent folders and the slideshow Bruce did was very informative and straight-forward… there was only one hitch. During the “breakout sessions,” the part where the attendees interact with one another and I’m supposed to help them come up with some potential solutions to their current website (and business) needs, I was pretty much clueless as to what to say to help out (STILL!) and therefore, bore all of the tell-tale signs of the new employee…. a.k.a., the deer in the headlights.

So maybe there are few things left to learn.

All said, at the end of the day it was an overwhelming success. Bruce told me that, right away, we got two red-hot client leads (whatever that means) and then gave me strawberry Pop Rocks.

I wonder what’s on the docket for tomorrow??

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