Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Make Sure Your Data Sees the New Year

Planning to travel this holiday season? Taking your laptop along for the ride? Here are some tips to make sure you aren’t asking Santa for your data back.

Before you Leave

Run software updates 2 days before you head out: Installing updates can rejuvenate your machine and help protect it from the latest viruses. However, sometimes an update can have a negative effect on performance. Run it two days in advance to test it out. If things aren’t running smoothly, you can remove it manually and return to the previous version. Microsoft will eventually fix the glitch and you can reinstall it at a later date.

Run a full backup and test restore 3 files: Even personal laptops should be backed up. Traveling puts loads of extra stress on your technology. To eliminate risk of data loss, an inexpensive external hard drive and simple software will do the trick. After the back-up, try to open at least 3 files to ensure the copy was successful.

While in Transit

Bouncing around in your backpack for a week can be extremely hard on a laptop. Here are some tips to help minimize the damage:

  • Double bag it: Use a tight-fitting laptop sleeve that fits inside your shoulder bag for extra shock protection.
  • Don’t Check it: When flying, always carry on your laptop. (Have you seen the way they handle bags?)
  • Keep it cool: Between 50° – 95°F. Too hot causes parts to expand, too cold makes parts brittle. Make sure your laptop is on a hard, flat surface to allow airflow and prevent overheating— and don’t leave it in the car when its -2° out! (Temperature Monitoring Software: Real Temp for Windows; iStat for Mac)
  • Shut it down: Make sure your laptop is off when it’s moving. Spinning hard drives damage easily.

Other Good Ideas

Remote Bricking: If you’re traveling with sensitive data, it’s a good idea to invest in some “bricking” software. Computrace Lojack for Laptops can lock, wipe, and track your laptop in the event of loss or theft. For about $60, you can ensure your laptop is as useful as a brick to anyone who steals it. (Also a good idea for Smartphones)

Run Updates Again: Run updates when you return from a long trip. Who knows what new threats have reared their heads while you were away?

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