Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Cody High School Project 4-27-2011

Josh at CodyAfter a week long hiatus for spring break, Josh (DE Consultant) and I made our way back to Cody to teach the students how clean up and speed up their computers.

When we brainstormed at DE months ago, we thought up fun ideas for the things we’d show the kids at Cody (For example, taking apart an XBOX). The very first time we met with the Cody students, we asked them what they wanted to learn about. To my surprise, they came up with things that we never thought of—things we deemed too boring. One of those “boring” topics the students wanted to learn about was cleaning up viruses.

Despite the beautiful weather, we still had 9 students show up. They all said their computers at home were in need of clean up. Josh plugged into the projector and showed them the infected laptop we had brought.

First, he showed the team where to get some good (and free) virus removal software. Josh recommended Malwarebytes. He walked them through downloading and installing the software, and then ran the scan on the laptop we had brought in.

Malwarebytes found the virus we had intentionally downloaded on the computer. Josh showed the students how to permanently remove the infected files.

After giving them tips on how to avoid viruses in the first place, Josh showed the team how to speed up their computers by defragmenting the hard drive. Time ran out on us at this point. I let the kids know I’d be posting a tutorial about what we covered online for them, and sent them on their way.

Looking forward to next week already. Conroy will be making his second appearance as he shows the group how to fix some common computer problems.

I’ll let you know how it goes.



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