A lot of you may be in a similar spot: You bought your computer four or five years ago. It’s still working, but you’ve noticed small issues that keep cropping up. Slowness might interrupt your workday from time to time. Your computer’s fan might be working overtime to keep its components cool. Though you’re still able to complete necessary tasks, your computer feels – for lack of better term – run down.
Why does this happen? Like all pieces of technology, computers have loosely-defined life cycles. For about four years, your computer tends to function normally. As it reaches the end of its life cycle, however, your computer begins to fail. You may notice some of the issues mentioned above, but more often than not, you won’t notice anything. Many computers don’t show overt signs of failure until it’s too late. This can leave you without key hardware during the times when you need it most.
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Every year, the number of malware attacks on businesses increase. Symantec’s 2018 Internet Security Threat Report found that between 2017 and 2018, malware increased by 54%.
The term “malware” covers a number of different malicious programs, including ransomware, spyware, viruses, worms, Trojan horses and more. No matter how malware appears, it can be devastating to your business.
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The world of website design is much different today than it was ten years ago. Since the meteoric rise of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets in the last decade, websites can no longer be designed exclusively with desktop computers in mind. Websites must be adaptable to the user, whether they are sitting at a desk with a monitor, sitting on the sofa with a tablet, or sitting on the bus with a smartphone.
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Smartphones have become essential parts of all of our lives. They act as extensions of ourselves, containing key information related to our work and livelihood. That makes smartphones a prime target for hackers; while we almost certainly use our smartphones to access sensitive data, they’re often a lot less protected than our computers and tablets. Taking small steps to ensure your phone is safe from cybercriminals is essential in keeping both your personal and business data secure. Here are a few simple ways you can protect your phone from dangerous hackers:
Update Your Phone and Apps
Just like you update your computer, you need to update your phone. Developers constantly update security patches. Like you, they want to stay ahead of the threats. Implementing these patches is of the utmost importance when it comes to cybersecurity.
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If your data is important to your business, you cannot afford to have your operations halted for days – even weeks – due to data loss or corruption. A disaster can happen at any time, and most occur at the most inconvenient moments. If you aren’t already prepared, you run the risk of having a disaster come before you have in place a plan to handle it. Here, we will outline 10 things you should have in place to make sure your business can get back up and running again in the event of a disaster.
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As the world slowly but surely reopens, many of you may find yourselves returning to the office after working remotely. Getting back into the regular rhythm of office work isn’t easy. That’s why Dynamic Edge is here to help. Your technology should be the least of your concerns as you determine the best course of action for your team.
We’ve developed a three-step collaboration process to ensure your return to work is seamless. Getting back into your regular routine is simple:
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