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Posts Tagged ‘cybercriminals’

Top 5 Strangest (Recent) Cybersecurity Incidents

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the past 18 months have presented some truly bizarre incidents that serve as cautionary tales for small business owners. Let’s take a lighthearted yet informative look at five of the strangest cybersecurity events that made recent headlines.

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Understanding Social Engineering

In an era where digital threats are escalating, small business owners find themselves increasingly targeted by cyber criminals. Understanding these threats, particularly social engineering, is crucial. In fact, no matter how much you invest in security applications and policies, your employees remain the most vulnerable part of any network environment. This blog aims to demystify social engineering, shed light on its common forms, and offer strategies for defense.

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For a long time, Starbucks has called itself the ‘Third Place,’ which they defined as the place between home and work.

And while it could be a great place for a cup of coffee or to work outside the office, the truth is if you or your employees ever work from anywhere but the office, they may be exposing your entire business to danger.

Public networks like those at coffee shops and hotels are virtual playgrounds for hackers and cybercriminals. They love to hang out on these ‘open networks’ and attack people who use them by stealing data, passwords and even bypassing normal security to easily install malware.

Others go so far as to create ‘evil-twin’ public networks that others join by calling it something like “hotel guest” and wait for unsuspecting businesspeople to log on so they can hijack their computer.

It doesn’t end there.
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In the past six months, just about everyone has been forced to shift priorities. If you’re like many business owners, you are intently focused on pivoting your business to accommodate today’s “new normal.” In fact, you are probably investing so much of your time in trying to retain your customers and generate new cash flow that you barely have time to even think about cyber security.

The problem is that cybercriminals and hackers know there’s no better time to strike than during a global crisis. In fact, they’re probably working overtime to craft new malware while the rest of us are trying to manage how our lives have been turned upside down. While you are so focused on your business, these cyber thugs are finding new ways into your IT network so they can steal data and passwords, compromise your clients’ private information and even demand large ransoms.
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Cybercriminals and hackers are rarely shy about the methods they use to attack their victims. Many of them are more than happy to share how they broke into a business’s network or how they walked away with thousands of dollars after successfully extorting a business owner whose company is now destroyed.

There are new stories out there to get your blood boiling as cybercriminals work to ruin people’s lives and livelihoods. These criminals don’t care what kind of damage they do. They only care about one thing: money. If they can get away with it – and many do – they’ll keep on doing it.

It’s up to the rest of us as business owners (and employees) to stay at least one step ahead of these cyberthugs. The single best way to do that is to stay educated on the latest threats. The second-best way is to stay up-to-date with the latest technology designed to combat cyber-attacks.
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Cybercriminals love to test your defenses. They love to see how far they can get into the networks of businesses all over the globe. Cybercriminals really love going after small businesses because they can all too often sneak onto a network, copy data and move on. Through the use of ransomware, they can hold your data hostage and refuse to cooperate until you pay them some amount of dollars – and if you don’t pay up, they threaten to delete all your data.

But protecting yourself is not as hard as you might think. While cybercriminals and hackers are an everyday threat to businesses, you can take steps to significantly reduce that threat and take that target off your back.
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