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Staying Cyber-Safe During the Holiday Season

While the holiday season often brings a surge in sales and customer engagement, it’s also a period when cyber risks increase significantly. Consequently, the volume of attacks can overwhelm even the most robust cybersecurity systems. This brief article explains why the holidays present a unique cybersecurity threat, shares statistics about the breadth of the risks, and identifies several effective ways to keep your business safe this year.

It’s Beginning to Look a lot Like… Cyber Scam Time

Known for its festive spirit and heightened shopping activity, the holiday also see a notable increase in cyber risks, including the following scary trends:

  • Increase in ransomware attacks: A report by Darktrace, a UK-based cybersecurity company, observed a 30% increase in the average number of ransomware attacks globally during the holiday period compared to the monthly average​​. (1) Additionally, in 2021, there was a 70% increase in attempted ransomware attacks during the holiday season compared to the average of other months​​. (2)
  • Doubling of phishing attacks: The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reported a significant increase in phishing attacks, with these attacks doubling since early 2020. Specifically, July 2021 saw the largest number of attacks in their reporting history, illustrating the growing threat of phishing during periods of increased online activity​​. (3)
  • Higher risk cyberthreats: Research by Barracuda, a cybersecurity company, found that 1-in-5 cyberthreats detected between June and the end of September 2022 were of higher risk, compared to just 1-in-80 in January. This suggests an escalation in the severity of cyber threats during the holiday season​​. (4)
  • Growth in online spending: Adobe’s 2021 Digital Economy Index projected an 11% increase in global online spending to $910 billion during the holiday season. This surge in online activity creates more opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities, correlating with the observed increase in cyber threats​​. (5)

These trends highlight the urgent need for heightened cybersecurity measures during the holiday season, especially as online activity and shopping continue to grow.

Why Cyber Risks Escalate During Holidays

Several important issues illustrate why the holiday season has become such furtive ground for cyber terrorists:

  • Heightened online activity: With the surge in online shopping during the holidays, cybercriminals capitalize on the increased volume of transactions and heightened user activity, making it a prime time for attacks like phishing, smishing, and financial fraud.
  • Reduced vigilance: Holidays often lead to a relaxed approach to security among individuals and businesses. People are more focused on festivities and less on cybersecurity, making them more susceptible to scams and cyber threats.
  • Reduced staffing: Many organizations operate with reduced staff during holidays, particularly in IT departments. This reduction in personnel means slower response times to potential threats and can leave systems more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Targeting holiday themes: Cybercriminals tailor their strategies to exploit the holiday theme, using tactics like fake holiday deals or charity scams that appear more credible during this season.
  • Exploiting the rush: The holiday rush often leads to hurried decisions by consumers and businesses alike. This urgency can lead to overlooking usual security practices, such as double-checking the authenticity of emails, websites, and online deals.

Overall, the combination of increased online activity, lowered guard, staffing challenges, and strategically crafted scams makes the holiday season a hotbed for cyber risks, necessitating heightened vigilance and robust cybersecurity measures.

5 Tips to Stay Cyber-Safe This Holiday Season

  1. Recognize and report phishing attempts: Be aware of common signs of phishing such as unfamiliar greetings, urgent requests, and suspicious links. Don’t respond to such emails and report them to your email provider​​​​​​.
  2. Use strong passwords and update applications regularly: Use strong, unique passwords and keep your operating system and applications updated to protect against vulnerabilities​​​​.
  3. Beware of smishing scams: Never respond to suspicious text messages and always verify the authenticity of messages purporting to be from banks or retailers​​​​​​.
  4. Watch out for Amazon-specific scams: Every year, more people shop for a greater percentage of their holiday gifts on Amazon – and cybercriminals know it. Only use the official Amazon app for transactions.  Be cautious of emails or messages that direct you outside of Amazon’s official platforms. Regularly update your passwords and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security​​.
  5. Slow down and be vigilant: Always approach unsolicited communications with caution, whether they come via email, text, or phone. Avoid clicking on unknown links or sharing personal information.


The holiday season should be a time of joy and success for your business, not a period of vulnerability to cyber threats. By slowing down and staying vigilant, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cybercrimes. Please also remember that cybersecurity is more than a one-time effort – it’s a continuous process that needs attention, especially during high-risk periods like the holidays.

Dynamic Edge Can Help

Since 1999, Dynamic Edge has helped hundreds of small and mid-sized businesses maximize the return on their technology investment. Contact us today today for a free network assessment, so that we may help you implement cost-effective security solutions to keep your organization and its clients safe and productive. Our Help Desk features friendly, experienced engineers who answer calls live and solve more than 70% of issues on the first call.

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