Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Remember that old proverb “teach a man to fish”? Well, we had been thinking phishing went the same way for many cybercriminals. Once they learned how to effectively phish users, they’d be set for a good pay day that might provide enough phished users to be set for life.

My thoughts on this have changed…

A new slew of email attacks don’t even depend on you clicking a link! What cybersecurity experts are finding is that email archives is a new and effective way for a criminal to get into your inbox without you even doing anything at all.
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Looking at the numbers, most businesses aren’t prepared and may not be anytime soon. In fact, nearly a third of organizations don’t even have a comprehensive security plan put together in the event of a data breach or cyberattack.

Think about that for a minute. One in three organizations doesn’t even have a solid plan of how to deal with an attack and have no infrastructure in place to protect themselves from a cyberattack.

Of the rest, only 9 percent are fully prepared. What does fully prepared mean?
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I think you can relate to the devastation when you let problems sit too long. Let me give you an example that recently affected someone in my hometown.

Miss Janice was an elementary school teacher in my local school. I distinctly remember her as my favorite teacher ever. She made second grade fun—even for a kid with dyslexia. Everyone loved Miss Janice. No one had a bad word to say of her.

But Miss Janice had some health issues that time and time again she overlooked. On a second grade teacher’s budget, she simply thought “I can’t afford that” or “I’ll take care of it myself” whenever she got sick.
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Despite the fact that Sunday (November 11th) was in fact National Fraud Day, one thing remains clear. Scammers and cyber thieves continue to convince and deceive users into divulging information and handing over hard earned money.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Nearly half of users—49 percent—admittedly believe their cyber habits leave them and their employers vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. Let me repeat that. 49 % of workers actually are aware that they are not taking the right steps to protect their personal data—or your sensitive business data and network at large—from cyberattacks.

How can that be?
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What is the reason for having cybersecurity?

When people ask me what I do, it’s often a complicated answer. Information technology in the past 20 years has changed considerably from simply fielding issues related to networking and printing issues to sophisticated threat prevention and detection on top of all other issues.

At the highest level, our job—as IT Support engineers and security specialists—is to manage, mitigate and minimize risks in your organizations. Both risks of users having computer headaches, but even more so eliminating security risks of cyberattacks and data breaches.
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Over a year ago, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had commissioned a task force to look into cybersecurity—particularly how hospitals and healthcare were doing when it comes to security awareness and prevention.

HHS found that overall organizations are making strides in closing some serious security gaps. BUT one of the biggest gaps that still exist is related to your users.

Security awareness is one HUGE area that still falls behind all others when it comes to risking networks to cyberattacks.

Take a minute to think about that.
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