But, unfortunately, there are many problems.
Why are your emails missing their inboxes?
At this point in 2019, I’m sure most of you are aware of SPAM and SPAM filters. Depending on your email solution, you may be using a variety of different algorithms that automatically filter through your mail and determine whether something looks “spammy”.
Spam filters search and flag a variety of words and language, pictures, subjects, IP addresses, among other data encapsulated in your email, to determine whether it ends up in your inbox or in your junk or filtered-out mail.
Your email gets a spam score.
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Security is not getting any simpler. With more exploits targeting your users’ personal information, today more than ever before we need to make sure every single person on your team is vulnerable to a personal cyberattack, which may end up putting your business at risk.
Today, I want to go through some simple steps everyone on your team can take to protect their identity by being conscious of their Facebook security.
Here are 11 simple Facebook security tasks to ensure your teams are keeping their information safe online:
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When was the last time your kids received phishing training? Are you teaching them about good cyber hygiene?
Cybersecurity experts are warning this year that your students—mainly ones that are forging their own digital footprints—are growing targets of cybercrime this year.
As we alluded to a few weeks ago, cybersecurity is not simply something you can think about exclusively in the workplace. Today, if you are not taking basic precautions at home as well, you are likely leaving yourself, your family and your workplace vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Today, I want to focus on a specific cyberattack that we’ve been seeing repeatedly pop up in colleges and schools around the country. It’s an attack that might seem obvious to those of us with many years of getting phishing emails (although we have found that if you aren’t continuously getting training and don’t have technology in place to prevent occasional mistakes, your previous experiences will only help you so much).
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Now that you’re back in the swing of things as fall rounds the corner, you are probably starting to get back into old routines. Kids are back in school and work is heating up again after summer vacation and the last Labor Day beach or pool parties are now past.
But now that fall is rounding its head with cooler weather and the reality that lazy days of summer are past, you might want to rethink a couple of things specifically when it comes to keeping your identity safe online.
Today, a very real and present danger is giving away enough information where scammers will steal not only your identity but also drain your bank accounts. I want to walk through a few easy habits to get yourself into so that you ensure your accounts are safe and sound and your identity is far out of reach of prying criminal minds.
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This summer you might have noticed a couple of new targets for cyberattacks.
Along with various town governments and hospitals, school districts have become a prime target for criminals. Schools handle a TON of personal data and often lack strong technology teams to keep their students’ data security. All of this leads to open targets for cyberattacks—something many cybersecurity experts are afraid of.
To help relieve some of the angst with back to school, I wanted to make sure you were considering some cybersecurity basics for your kids—whether they’re just starting out or nearing graduation this year. Practicing good cyber safety at an early age will help them keep their information secure through adulthood.
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With so many data breaches and cyberattacks to-date this year, damages resulting from those attacks are skyrocketing to unforeseen amounts. In the past few weeks alone, there have been a wide array of attacks wreaking havoc on organizations large and small, impacting over 100 million individuals in one of these instances.
Will investing in more security technology solve the problem?
Probably since I’m asking this question, you’re already thinking ‘no!’. What we have seen is that there are actually a lot of organizations investing in quite a bit of IT security products and services. The question not being asked is whether that money is being invested in the right places.
With tightening budgets elsewhere in your organization, I’m sure that investing additional money in security technology is something that you and your leadership are not entirely sold on. Much of the time there is no visible return on this investment and it’s hard to tell whether your spending money on the right tools to keep your organization secure long term.
Rather than ask if investing in technology will help solve our collective security problems now and in the future, is to ask am I spending money on security in the right places within the organization.
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