Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have found ourselves working from home for the near future. There’s a problem: Every home is overrun with distractions. Whether it’s your children begging for your attention or your dirty dishes staring you down, you have things at home that make you unproductive while working. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to keep yourself on track:
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Working From Home Readiness Kit

Dynamic Edge has created a COVID19 Readiness Kit! It gives great tips and tools to help your team stay productive and ready to assist clients while working from home.
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If I go into your house and take all of the things important to you, lock them away in a safe and I am the only one with the key and I tell you that you will have to pay me to get the stuff back, that’s ransomware.

Cybersecurity experts are warning that by 2021, businesses will fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds. That’s down from every 14 seconds in 2019.

Can you imagine being one of those businesses?

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Is Your Bank Protecting Your Data?

Mobile phishing campaigns could be targeting your bank. In fact, phishing attackers are targeting bank accounts more in 2020 than ever before. Criminals found the easiest way to get in is through your mobile phone. Some of the recent targets? Capital One and Chase are two of the dozens of phished that have been identified recently.

Hackers are using automated SMS tools to blast bogus security text messages to you and have successfully snatched accounts from thousands so far—that’s of the millions receiving these texts.

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Where Are Your Security Gaps?

Do you know where the holes in your network are? Are you concerned about them? Do you even know TO be concerned about them?

As I talk to business leaders it has become increasingly clear that network security—especially understanding where you fall in network security to secure your sensitive data—is non-existent within many organizations.

One of the easiest ways to see where your security holes are?

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Sometimes persistent ransomware attacks feel like the flu. As soon as security experts find a defense against one strain, a new and more deadly version appears. All making it harder to defend against and certainly difficult to keep up.

With cryptic names like WannaCry, Petya and SamSam, leadership all too well have familiarized themselves with names of attacks and many even know someone who have fallen victim to the latest strain.

While ransomware campaigns have targeted pretty much everyone, they are becoming more tailored to your industry, finding technical vulnerabilities to exploit your network and your software and customizing their attacks to target specific roles within your organization. Unlike flu epidemics, there is less of a cycle or timing of when catching a virus is more or less likely. For ransomware, infections are becoming more persistent day after day.

Ransomware attackers are targeting everyone. In 2018, for instance, attackers were breaching networks in technology, manufacturing, financial and healthcare industries at alarming rates. All industries showed an uptick in the sophistication of attacks targeting each industry.
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