Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Be Aware: Dropbox is NOT a safe way to store your business files!

file sharing security problems

You might think that I’m a broken record, bringing up Cryptowall and ransomware threats time and time again. But the truth is, I value your data and I want to make sure it is safe!

Many folks think that cloud-based syncing tools like Google Drive and Dropbox automatically and securely solve your backup needs. It seems logical, but this is a dangerous misconception! With Dropbox, you simply have ONE copy in the cloud kept to sync with your local living copy. When that copy gets infected with Cryptowall, the infected copy becomes the living copy and becomes backed up in the cloud. Dropbox really isn’t designed to go back to a previous version.

Usually you won’t even realize that you’re hit with Cryptowall until it’s too late. And in this case, too late means your Dropbox files getting completely infected before you even notice something is wrong. Even worse, your shared files can get infected—leading to network-wide infections!

One common misunderstanding with services like Dropbox—even Dropbox Pro—is the lack of security measures to avoid infections by malware, ransomware and viruses. Dropbox is definitely a target for Cryptowall and other ransomwares.

Unfortunately, even if you have your files backed up through Dropbox, if infected with Cryptowall, you might very well have lost those backed up files. Even if you don’t lose data, you will have to spend hours clicking on each infected file and trying to find your original files—your file names and versions will have changed as part of the infection.

If you have at least double the space needed to store your files, you may be lucky to have an earlier version of them, but in my opinion, how Dropbox saves versions is not intuitive—which makes recovery a long and hard process. With a Dropbox solution, you won’t have a full recovery of an infected system.  And if you’re depending on Dropbox for recovery, you are doing so at YOUR OWN RISK!

What can you do to make sure your business is safe?

  1. Prevention is needed— to keep malicious content out of your network. Make sure you have a policy on website activity on your business network [link to wasting time article] and how to deal with opening links and attachments in email.
  2. TRUE BACKUPS are essential to your business health. Make sure you have ALL of your network backed up regularly and that important documents get backed up at least daily. If you are a DE customer, we already are doing this for you.
  3. Plan ahead and have a recovery strategy. Include strategy on dealing with infections as part of your business recovery plan. DE can help create a bullet-proof plan to prevent any unforeseen problems.

A true backup product makes sure that even if your files get infected, that you are able to restore a non-infected copy when your computer is restored from the infection.

If you have any concerns with Dropbox or your current file sharing solution, please contact Cheryl today we have an alternative that will save your files and your bacon!

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