If you’re like many of our clients, you’ve probably heard some of the buzz about “The Cloud.” Though the term is popular, most people don’t quite understand what it means. Why are so many articles citing “The Cloud” as a remote work solution during the COVID-19 crisis? Is “The Cloud” a place or an application? How is it best utilized?
In essence, cloud computing is simply a way to “rent” the computing you need by getting it over the Internet. Cloud solutions operate in lieu of buying your own hardware and software. A lot of businesses like cloud computing for two key reasons: they only pay for what they need and they don’t have to worry about their IT investment becoming obsolete.
“The Cloud” may seem like a new concept. In reality, though, cloud computing has been around for a while. If you keep track of customers on Salesforce, bank online or share photos with friends on Facebook, you are already using the cloud. The biggest cloud application of them all is Google.
Some business owners are nervous about moving critical data or applications offsite to an outside vendor. However, doing so comes with a number of benefits:
- Disaster protection. If your data is stored offsite, it won’t disappear should a disaster strike your business.
- Pay-as-you-go pricing. If your business is like most, you have to manage cash carefully. Avoiding big hardware investments and software upgrades can be attractive.
- Scalability. Cloud-based services can grow or shrink depending on how much you need. If demand in your type of business is cyclical or seasonal, you don’t pay for computing you don’t need during slower periods. If you need more computing power during a busy period, it’s there when you need it.
- Fewer distractions. Putting your services in the cloud means that owners and managers can spend more time focused on their core business.
- Remote access to tools. With cloud computing, your employees have a safe, reliable way to access your business’s technological resources even as they work remotely.
To cloud or not to cloud is also not typically an all-or-nothing decision. For example, you don’t have to store all your data there; you can just use the cloud for backups. Some applications may make more sense running in the cloud — others might not.
So, is cloud computing right for you? We can help you find out. Dynamic Edge is offering free network assessments to businesses during this time. We’d love to meet with you to discuss the tech solutions – cloud-related or otherwise — that best fit your needs.
Email help@dynedge.com or call 734.975.0460 | 615.526.2626 to set up an appointment.