Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Things that are still a little confusing…

I thought this part might be nice to mention, for all you people (like me) who are still WAY outside your comfort zone when it comes to a lot of this stuff. Here are some things that I love about DE that make my life – and yours – a little easier.

To start, I just found out that if any of our clients has a minor problem with a system we’ve set up [*we’re not talking about a crash or file recovery issue here, though people!] they can call one of our consultants and ask for help. Well, you probably already knew that part, but this is where it gets good: if your problem is something that we can talk you through in 12 minutes or less, guess what? You don’t pay for it. I didn’t think ANYBODY did that!

Better yet, if you haven’t called over to DE lately, you should give it a try. I was really scared accepting this position because I know that everybody here is some sort of computer wizard. I was totally expecting to get lost in the lingo of the Techno-Elitists, but I couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised.

Here’s one example: After I finish typing this blog, I’m going to download a 1-Up form for my new friend Jon, one of our consultants who pulled a “Wow the DynEdger” with the promise of a “Follow Through” in the coming week while I try and get my home networked to function properly.

I was trying to figure out the name of the “Copy Filepath” application, so that I could write about it, but I was totally drawing a blank. I was using as many descriptors as possible to hopefully jog his memory, when I gave up.

I was in the middle of telling him that I realize I’m not making any sense at all when he said “You’ve got to realize that it’s my job to understand what somebody is saying, even when it doesn’t make sense.” Wow. Not only was that a huge relief for me, but I knew that if our consultants can understand my scattered explanations, they must be lightning-fast at diagnosing our client’s needs.

I think I’ll recommend a hi-five and two bucks for Jon. Thanks so much for making my life a lot easier this week!

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