Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

The Costs of Using Outdated Hardware

A lot of you may be in a similar spot: You bought your computer four or five years ago. It’s still working, but you’ve noticed small issues that keep cropping up. Slowness might interrupt your workday from time to time. Your computer’s fan might be working overtime to keep its components cool. Though you’re still able to complete necessary tasks, your computer feels – for lack of better term – run down.

Why does this happen? Like all pieces of technology, computers have loosely-defined life cycles. For about four years, your computer tends to function normally. As it reaches the end of its life cycle, however, your computer begins to fail. You may notice some of the issues mentioned above, but more often than not, you won’t notice anything. Many computers don’t show overt signs of failure until it’s too late. This can leave you without key hardware during the times when you need it most.

According to the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget, outdated hardware is also subject to a multitude of problems regarding cybersecurity. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  1. Vulnerability to attacks at sign-on and a lack of current malware detection/remediation software;
  2. Inability to support current security administration and password functions;
  3. Lack of security and vulnerability patch availability;
  4. Absence of tools necessary to identify and remedy system compromises;
  5. Increased risk of system compromise via email, instant messaging or web browsing malware

It’s dangerous to have an outdated machine. To mitigate risk and prevent disaster from striking, we strongly recommend refreshing your hardware on a regular schedule. Not only will this save you costly downtime; it will enable your IT provider to better maintain your equipment. Standardizing your network environment will make it easier than ever for tech support to step in should anything go awry.

Not sure where your hardware stands? Dynamic Edge is here to help! In order to ensure your machines are running and up-to-date, we’re offering free network assessments to businesses like yours. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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