Philip Blackwell
Service Desk Manager
Phil was giving tech support to his teachers as early as 5th grade (with debatable quality - upgrading Windows never did work very well). He studied programming and networking in college, while touring in bands playing bass. Alas, programming just wasn't for him, but he continued supporting local businesses with IT, which led to an interest in internet marketing.
On the Lighter Side...
Phil never owned a cat till he got married. Now he loves them and seems to be a cat magnet. He's kept or rescued as many as show up at his door, which is at least 10 now. But only 4 actually live with them. Well, Gary partially lives outside. Of course, Gary is also named Rusty at the neighbor's house. No wonder he's gotten so big. The rest are named Mr. Walters, Clementine, and Soda Pop. Sailor Pants is no longer with us :( but he's immortalized in Phil's passion for cat photography.