Ben Tidswell
Project Engineer
Ben Tidswell is a rock star. He’s also superb at fixing computers! He powered through a Linux certification at Washtenaw Community College back in ’05. Since then, he has gotten a wealth of experience including working for Apple for 2 years. He loves cats. He loves triple-booting his MacBook Pro and making the Apple fan boys cringe when he runs Windows and look confused when he runs Ubuntu. Aside from the computer stuff, some nights you can find Ben playing drums in a Clash cover band at the Blind Pig.
On the Lighter Side...
Ben’s idol growing up was MacGyver. MacGyver taught Ben the fundamental, core values he still lives his life by today: Physics, The Scientific Method, Resourcefulness, and Mullets. Ben was recently overheard speaking with another DE’r and said, “I hypothesize, your hair is laaaaame! Wooooooo!” He then sped off in his raised pick-up truck, spraying loose stones everywhere. Ben has since learned to channel the energy and passion he has for mullets and use it for good.