Alan Sandell
Alan Sandell is hardly a stranger around the DE office... he interned with DE for the four years leading up to his Computer Engineering Degree at Michigan Tech. Alan’s 4 years of training have allowed him to hit the ground running, and he has already become an invaluable part of our programming team.
On the Lighter Side...
Intern starting working at DE during a summer that no one remembers. He continued to show up summer after summer, but no one really seemed to care. He was arbitrary and not worth anyone’s acknowledgement. He was relegated to doing all the lowly work at DE, like blowing in the Nintendo game cartridges when they froze up. Then one day, Intern came back after a long winter away, and something was different. People started noticing him, paying attention when he talked. He seemed smarter. Then, he amazed everyone as he spread colorful, fluttery wings fashioned from a college degree and floated around the office, chock-full of confidence! It turns out, that sneaky little intern had a plan all along. He had been going to college for the past 4 years! Now, Alan (as he has come to be known), is much more than just an intern, he is a beautiful computer programmer! Also, he is capable of flight.