Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have found ourselves working from home for the near future. There’s a problem: Every home is overrun with distractions. Whether it’s your children begging for your attention or your dirty dishes staring you down, you have things at home that make you unproductive while working. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to keep yourself on track:
- Get dressed and ready as if you were going into the office. Try to replicate your usual morning routine. Putting on a business casual outfit will get you in the work mindset even before you sit down in front of your computer. Treating each day as a “normal” workday will help keep you on task and focused.
- Find a dedicated office space. Even if you live in an apartment, designate a corner as your workstation. Regardless of whether or not your space is private, having a single location meant for work only will help keep you in a productive mindset.
- Set a schedule. Keeping regular work hours is essential to productivity. If you normally work from 9-5, make sure it stays that way. Having clearly defined blocks of time for work will help keep you focused.
- Stay off social media sites and apps. While logging on to Facebook to check on friends may be tempting, keeping work and leisure separate is key to increasing productivity. Save social media use for breaks away from your office space.
- Take breaks. Working from home might make you feel guilty for stepping away from your computer. However, it’s important to clear your head every once in a while. Taking small breaks is a healthy way to divvy up your workday.
- Get fresh air. Speaking of breaks, make sure at least one of them involves some time outside. Staying inside all day can lead to restlessness and anxiety – make sure you’re giving your brain and body what they need to recharge.
- Set ground rules with people in your home. Communicate clearly with your roommates about your work schedule. Swap calendars to see when each of you needs private space for conference calls and meetings. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries when needed.
- Keep communicating with your coworkers. At home, it’s easy to get wrapped up in your own projects. Use software tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to stay in the loop with the rest of your team. This will help keep you collaboration-oriented and make your work seem purposeful.
- Find ways to socialize. Virtual happy hours, team spirit days and other organized social events can help keep you and your team connected on a personal level. Right now, everyone could use some bonding time!
- Develop an end-of-day routine. Signing off the same way every day makes the transition from work to leisure that much easier. Your work/life balance doesn’t have to suffer just because you’re working from home.
Staying productive while working from home is difficult. However, small adjustments can make the process a lot easier.