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Hacks On Macs

sad-mac-faceMacIntosh computer users have long enjoyed relative freedom from hacker attacks. However, researchers at Symantec Corporation say online criminals are now setting their sites on Mac users.

There is a belief amongst users that Macs are essentially more secure than PCs because they are built better, but security experts would argue differently. They believe that the Mac is actually no more secure than a PC.

In fact, they note that the relatively low number of viruses, exploits and other cyber attacks directed at Mac users is due to Apple’s relatively small market share of the computer market.

When we say market share we mean how many business users there are on the device. A business user has access to a company’s files and is worth more than a home user on the open market for infected computers because they can connect them to a larger business and business financial information. For example, an end user computer is only worth about $5 where as a business computer can be worth as much as $25.

“I don’t think that the Mac OS is more secure than Windows — I think it is safer than Windows because there are less people trying to attack it. There is a big difference,” Natalie Lambert, a senior analyst at Forrester Research recently shared with MacNewsWorld.

With that said, the fact remains that for every single attack on a Mac, there are at least 100 attacks on Windows-based systems.

So what should you do if you own a Mac? Use the same safe online surfing practices as PC users:

  1. keep your anti-virus software up to date.
  2. avoid opening email messages from senders or email addresses you cannot readily identify. Do not open attachments you are not expecting or double-click links in these type of messages.
  3. never share usernames or passwords over the phone with callers claiming to be from your financial institution. Legitamate companies will never ask for this information over the phone.


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