Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

Exciting news! Well, exciting to me… although I’m not sure this is set to announce yet or not:

Tomorrow we officially (soft) launch DATACUS, a data-streaming, info-combining, life-easing product. Bruce and the gang have been burning both ends of the candle for months now and finally it’s ready. Really Truly. I designed the little icons you click on to open the thing just yesterday [this is all I can take credit for] and we’ll be teaching people about it tomorrow at the Rock Financial Expo Center at the MACPA Trade Show. Woohoo!
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So, this week I’ve been working on two Search Engine Optimization projects… for anybody jumping onboard right now, SEO is the stuff that gets your website noticed by Google and other search engines (Yahoo! Altavista, Ask, etc.) There are a lot of tools available online to help you in the process of writing good SEO copy and code, but my favorites so far are located at (which you can use for free!) and
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I received the following in an email from Dusty, one of our consultants out of Nashville. I thought this information might be helpful to some of you, so here it is:

“…Virtualization is a buzzword you’ll be hearing a lot of if you’re going to spend any amount of time in an IT room. But why should you care? And what exactly does virtualization mean to you anyways?
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A Week On the Lam…

After a brief hiatus (i.e. the time it takes to move from North Carolina to Michigan) the blog is up and running again. Not that it was ever down, just inactive.
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As many of you have noticed, Stormie is out of touch. She is working on moving her family up from North Carolina and things should be back to normal next week for her. Look at us, bringing more young professionals back to Michigan…

In the mean time, let me take a minute and report on a few things:

First, the Nashville office is moving along – we are definitely making progress. We have a number of consulting as well as programming customers who are a lot of fun to work with and we are looking forward to making ourselves known as Nashville’s place to go for technology help!
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Unusually Helpful Comments

The following comment was so helpful that I thought it would be best served as its own entry… so, without further adieu, Metik from writes in response to “New Look & Feel and Other Notes”:

“Actually, this is not necessarily true–more of a generalization most likely based on your experiences with a specific Photoshop version and the platform it is running on.
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