Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

As many of you have noticed, Stormie is out of touch. She is working on moving her family up from North Carolina and things should be back to normal next week for her. Look at us, bringing more young professionals back to Michigan…

In the mean time, let me take a minute and report on a few things:

First, the Nashville office is moving along – we are definitely making progress. We have a number of consulting as well as programming customers who are a lot of fun to work with and we are looking forward to making ourselves known as Nashville’s place to go for technology help!
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Unusually Helpful Comments

The following comment was so helpful that I thought it would be best served as its own entry… so, without further adieu, Metik from writes in response to “New Look & Feel and Other Notes”:

“Actually, this is not necessarily true–more of a generalization most likely based on your experiences with a specific Photoshop version and the platform it is running on.
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Getting a little more advanced.

Now that I’m getting a handle on this whole WordPress blogging thing, I’ve been given the dubious task of putting together the new Dynamic Edge Consulting website…

Ok, so maybe I exaggerated a little bit. For now it’s just the written content that I’m responsible for. As it turns out, the brunt the weight is on Skyler’s shoulders — he’s the one that takes the conceptual sketches and turns them into usable web skins. Although I’m sure I’ll learn that too, someday.
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Point in Case

So I always knew that email addresses were case insensitive (which means that it doesn’t matter what combination of upper- and lowercase letters you type as long as you’re typing the right ones..,) but what I didn’t know was that, after the first forward slash… website addresses ARE case sensitive. Very sensitive. So, if you don’t like reading “Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server”… you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right capitalization when entering in those web addresses.
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So… this week Skyler updated the look and feel of the blog so it matches everything else. So thanks, Skyler. I think it looks great! I just spent two and a half days at our home office, learning the ropes a little better and here are a few fun tips I picked up and can pass along.
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When a Good Thing Goes Bad

So… as many of you may have already noticed, the link for our Copy File Path application was wrong. Just so you know, it’s been corrected.

For those of you that were confused and irritated by this, I’m sorry 🙁
It wasn’t really Dynamic Edge’s fault this happened, there’s certainly only one idiot to blame. So Jeff, to you I’m especially sorry for being such an idiot. And I promise to *try not to* let it happen again… ever!
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