Tech Tips and Advice from the Experts at Dynamic Edge

how-section-179-saves-your-business-moneyWill Section 179 might give your business an even bigger tax break than ever before?

What I’ve learned: Section 179 can save your business (and mine) a lot of money. It lets you deduct full purchase price of qualifying equipment—computers and software—that were purchased during the tax year.

What this means for your business? If you buy qualified equipment and software, you’re able to deduct THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE from your gross income.

Why does the government do this? To encourage economic growth in American business, by getting companies to invest in their businesses.

 The bottom line: It’s important that you understand and know about what this specific code can do for your business to avoid missing out on major deductions.
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DE’s preventative security process keeps students’ computers headache free across Maine

Schools understand the value in prevention. I’m sure you recall fire drills and (depending where you grew up) drills for tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. Equally important, they want to make sure their students are learning in a productive environment—where technology works and where teachers can leverage it to create prepared and enabled students to meet modern job market demands.

One fundamental way schools prevent errors and problems is by having technology that not only is easy to use, but that is error-free. They make sure students are focused on learning and not stuck riddled with errors and computer problems. (I’m sure we all can relate to this dilemma!)
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Ransomware Getting CostlierU.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warns new ransomware targets, infects and compromises business servers—multiplying the extent of infection on your network.

The future of ransomware: not only scrambling your files and infecting your network with stronger encryption, but evaluating the worth of your business data. Hackers are realizing that business owners are willing to pay more for their data.

Imagine what data is really important for you and your team to keep operating day to day—maybe in Purchasing, Marketing, HR, Accounting and Finance, or Operations—think about the specific data, file configurations, customized spreadsheets and software. All the technology that if encrypted would hold you back from serving your customers and keeping your employees happy.
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How to Keep Grandma from being hacked

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Recently, 3 of the nicest people I know got swindled.

My Great Aunt Millie, a spry 88, was doing her routine of checking out her kids, grand kids and friends on Facebook—yes she is on Facebook and is probably even more active than I am! And then every morning after she has a cup of coffee in hand, she checks her email religiously.

2 months ago Aunt Millie got hacked. While in her email, she came across a notice from the bank telling her she had to contact a bank manager ASAP because there were concerns about her account. In the email, there was a link that brought her to a page asking for her social security number, date of birth and address. Not thinking much of it, she dug into her purse and began entering the information.
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Did you know your credit card is worth up to $20,000 to hackers? Your hotel loyalty account up to $1400? Your iTunes at least $20?

What does this mean?

Even your less important online accounts are worth money! And Twenty Dollars is Twenty Dollars!

Don’t for a second think your accounts are safe—whether you have a lot of money in them or not.
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It seems like every day, another company has a data breach. Thousands or tens of thousands of people’s personal data are stolen.

Phishing Scams

Social Engineering

People are using your identity and you probably haven’t the slightest clue!

So what should you do?

For the next few weeks, I want to focus on your personal data—all of the unique points that make you unique, make you targetable and that make you need to be concerned about keeping all of the important data safe— with a pealed eye on your personal data.
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