As some of you already know, we have moved our Nashville office to a bigger space that makes it easier to support our growing number of raving fans (We currently have 14,307 raving fans!) in and around Nashville, TN.
In case, you’re wondering, our Nashville office is now located just a mile from its original location at:
Dynamic Edge, Inc.
615 Main Street Suite 101
Nashville, TN 37206
Over the last 6 months we have seen a 304% increase in cyber-attacks on organizations ranging from 10 to 250 users. Dynamic Edge focus on network security, but that isn’t the only reason we are growing…
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With the new administration’s intended border tax proposals, many companies of all sizes have been focused on re-planning their moves abroad. Special attention of late have gone to manufacturing companies like Toyota, Ford and Carrier. But outsourced technical work will likely be hit hard too! Among those listening the closest have been off-shored IT services and programming.
Major Hi-Tech Companies Meet To Discuss Impact on Off-shored IT
President Trump’s proposed border tax will assuredly impact the IT industry heavily. Relying both on H-1B visa holders as well as off-shored workers to fulfill IT support and customized programming demands, new border taxes will hit your bottom line if you offshore your IT in any capacity. In a meeting attended by leading business leaders in technology, including the founder of Dell Computers, Michael Dell, President Trump underscored that “if you go to another country, we are going to be imposing a very major border tax”. The actual numbers are expected to be seen in the coming months.
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Perhaps a hundred years ago, you’d not expect running water or think electricity as a complete luxury. But nowadays could you imagine having to pump a well, then heating your bath water (probably no quick shower!) daily to get ready for work instead of having running water at the turn of a faucet? And could you live by candle light without lights, toasters, microwaves? Likely anyone reading this blog (on a computer or smart phone) couldn’t imagine life without either electricity or water.
My next question: could you choose between protecting your business, its data, staff and future? Could your business live without technology (and much needed support that comes with ever changing technology)?
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Check out Bruce Giving Expert Advice To Michigan CPAs. Bruce will be hashing through the security fundamentals that every business need to have in place to (1) avoid compliance risks and (2) protect sensitive data from hackers’ eyes.
Bruce’s talk entitled “HIPAA, Third-Party Vendor Management and Cybersecurity: Side Effects Include” is aimed at CPAs to ensure they know steps to take to protect their healthcare clients from being susceptible to undue risk.
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Pixar’s Toy Story 2 was deleted twice. Each instance, they had to rebuild the movie.
Two months and hundreds of man-hours of work vanished
It all innocently started with a fix to Woody’s hat. Woody needed a slight wardrobe upgrade—that’s all. Just a hat reposition. While one of the editors was tinkering in the file system, trying to install a new and improved Woody, something much unexpected happened.
THE folder containing the Toy Story 2 movie—that at one point had 40 files— suddenly had four then none. What Oren Jacob, former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Pixar recounted was an entire movie deleted off the company’s servers.
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Studies find employees waste over half of their work day on personal time.
Alarming findings from several recent studies on Cyberslacking show that your staff is likely using their work day to partake in personal activities. And even more shocking is that many of these activities could compromise your business.
The internet has definitely altered the way work is performed. We are much more connected to our clients and colleagues than ever before. But we’re also closer to criminals as well. Despite the positive impact the internet has had on communication, it comes with a cost. Wasted work days online are now not so uncommon. Games, videos, social media all contribute to over 35% in productivity of your workers (on average). Depending on how connected your staff is, those numbers could be as great as 70%!
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