If you keep getting complaints that people can’t open your file attachments, it’s probably because Office 2007 is saving all its usual extensions with an “x” at the end. You can stop (or avoid) running into this frustration by following these steps:
1. Open Excel, (this will also work for Word or PowerPoint).
2. Click the “Office” button up in the far left hand side of the screen.
3. Click on the “Excel Options” button at the bottom left.
4. Click on the “Save” button on the left side of the panel.
5. Change the “save files in this format” area from “Excel Document (*.xlsx)” to “Excel 97- 2003 Document (*.xls)”
You’ll want to repeat this process for Word and PowerPoint so that the next time you save, it will be in the format everyone knows and loves.
Your Dynamic Edge consultant can make this change on your Server, and you won’t have to change all of the settings on your office’s computers.