As the world slowly but surely reopens, many of you may find yourselves returning to the office after working remotely. Getting back into the regular rhythm of office work isn’t easy. That’s why Dynamic Edge is here to help. Your technology should be the least of your concerns as you determine the best course of action for your team.
We’ve developed a three-step collaboration process to ensure your return to work is seamless. Getting back into your regular routine is simple:
- Plan – Once you partner with Dynamic Edge, you’ll be assigned a dedicated Business Technology Manager (BTM) who will continually assess your network environment to determine which technological solutions are right for your business. Your BTM will be able to provide insight into how to leverage your technology to make your transition easier.
- Communicate – Beyond normal return-to-work dates and safety guidelines/protocols, employees should be aware of any policy changes your organization institutes. On the technological side, your team should be saving work to your company’s drive, staying alert for phishing scams and updating their call forwarding settings to reflect their new work location. It’s important that everyone stay open and communicative to work through any problems that may arise. For more tips, contact us!
- Remind – As far as hardware is concerned, your team members may have equipment at home that they will need at the office. Remind your team to gather their materials early so that their first day back is successful. Speakers/headphones, keyboards, mice, power strips, power cords and phones should all come back to the office with your team. Also, you may need to remind your team of common office policies and procedures that may not have been relevant to their remote work (dress code, work hours, etc.).
Ultimately, you know what’s best when it comes to your team. But if you need a trusted partner to advise you on your business’s changing technological landscape, Dynamic Edge is here for you. Drawing upon our 20+ years of experience helping businesses like yours, we’re confident that we can work with you to determine the best next steps as your work environment shifts back to the office.